Oak Hill Lawn Cemetery & Crematorium

Our Client identified a need for improved cremation services to address increased waiting times and distances required to travel in the area.

The proposed development will provide a new larger chapel, for both burial and cremation funeral services, as well as combining the facilities needed for both cremation and burial services. The chapel will also serve as a space for remembrance services throughout the year. The existing buildings at the entrance will be replaced with new landscaping and areas for burial.

The proposed crematorium building will sit below the tree line when first viewed and is approached from higher ground, thus minimising its impact on the openness of the greenbelt.

When visitors enter the site and reach the top of the ridge, rather than finding themselves amongst a group of buildings as they currently do they will be in an open area, landscaped with new planting and trees. This newly revealed vista will provide long views across the cemetery and the valley beyond.

From the outset, it has been the intention for the crematorium building to avoid the one size fits all approach that characterises many new crematorium developments. The character of the place needs to be reflected in a design that sits comfortably in its context and respects the dignity of the occasion.

The site is currently being constructed whilst maintaining safe access to the cemetery for visiting members of the public. It is important that visitors are still able to visit existing gravestones during the current hours of operation. Additionally, if burials are planned to take place on-site, our site team remain respectable to the public and pause construction works until the service has conclued as a matter of courtesy.

As part of the construction we have had to bring in new utilities to the site by digging across access roads whilst keeping the site operational. The team have worked collaboratively to ensure this happens successfully.

This project is the third consecutive scheme we have delivered for Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council.

Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council
Hatfield, Hertfordshire
Benchmark Architects
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External view at night of Oakhill Lawn Cemetery & Crematorium