Marshfields School
This project secured under the Peterborough City Council Construction Framework was for the construction of a single storey building and internal remodelling existing school, together with services, drainage and external works.
The scope of works included the delivery of a new Studio Block, providing a 175-place SEND school for students aged 10 – 19. This new building since it’s completion has provided the school with flexible educational space including a large multi-purpose hall, which can be split into three with folding screens, two one-to-one rooms, and a breakout space.
Externally, the key feature is the decorative brickwork, with a unique vertical stretch of bond running around the top of the walls; a challenge for the team but a wonderful aesthetic on completion.
The site was bounded by a residential estate, the works being undertaken were visible for the public to see. As a Considerate Contractor, our team kept the site tidy with a clean access, with the entrance gates secure at all times and entry and exit controlled by a traffic marshal. We ensured signage was displayed in a prominent location. As part of our initiatives, we utilised an unoccupied house in the school grounds as our project office and welfare facilities.
Through a excellent communication channels between the project manager and the School site manager, management of the site and any issues were discussed daily about shared access, forthcoming deliveries, any possible intrusive activities and agreeing timings to avoid any disturbance to school, particularly during the exam period. The entrance to the site was adjacent to the drop off and pick up zone and therefore we avoided (main) peak times for deliveries (was 8.30-9.30am and 3pm-4pm). We also operated our deliveries on a ‘just in time’ basis meaning if any subcontractor tried to deliver outside of their given timeslot, they were be sent away until their designated time to remove any idling on-site.