At the LACE Housing Association Extra Care Scheme at Welton, our team welcomed back enthusiastic wellie-clad students from the local Welton St Mary’s Church of England Primary Academy, to see the project nearing completion and to help with some planting.

As part of their social value plan, they also donated and built a shed for the pupils.

Headteacher Nicola Gough sent back a lovely message of thanks:                                                                                                                                                                            “The children have enjoyed seeing the project develop and are excited about what the future holds for residents. They loved getting their wellies on and planting – thank you for providing them with this opportunity.

A massive thank you also for the shed. This will most definitely enhance our play opportunities from January. By the time it had been built by your team in our playground, the children had already written a list of how it could be used including a café, hairdressers, office, doctor’s surgery, workshop and a Santa’s grotto.

Thank you to the Carter team for making us feel so welcome and sharing the new facilities that Welton has to offer.”

Great to hear the shed will get lots of use!

Read more about R G Carter’s Social Value initiatives;

More on Welton Extra Care Scheme: